
thank you.

04/22/2013 12:15

i would like to thank all those kids at my school who saw( with my help) that autism dont make a diffrence in the person. if that person didnt have autism the woulent be them. ~belle

autism update 1

04/21/2013 13:19

i have friends with autism and i support them very much.

my opion; they are the same as you and me. they are called SPECIAL for a reson.people just dont understand them. there is nothing to fear about them.they are people~belle


-perfect,people with autism are just as perfect as people without.

-what you see, touch, or taste may be toatally diffrent for them. they have amazing abilities.

-they are some of the happiest people on earth i mean it's like "everybody lets celabrate we have chocolate milk!!!!!"

-it is as much of a disablity as any thing eles.

-so lovable and gentle; they make my day.

-very affectionat always caring.

-human, more human than us for they see the bright side of things.

-highly intellagent.

-OCD (ex: if the strawberry isnt in four pieces its not a strawberry)

-they know theire place and accsept it.

-observant; does not like sudden change.

-they show us not everything is perfect.


what IS autism?

autism is a genetic disorder which bascily slows down the part of the brain that enable the person to express themselves. So in result they have difficulty talking, moving around ,and interacting with peers.

These people are no different then you and me. They wish what we wish; to be accepted. If you see some one trying to motivate a person with autism ask if they need help; you just might make a new friend.

we do not yet toataly understand autism but we do know one thing; autim is a pure gift.

"A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships.
A mental condition in which fantasy dominates over reality, as a symptom of schizophrenia and other disorders.(all credit goes to Google).

a neurological condition that is known as a spectrum disorder because there are both high and low functioning ends, the high functioning end (known as Aspergers Syndrome) generally displays severe social difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and extreme sensitivity to different noises, textures, lights, etc. The low functioning end ("Classic" Autism) has the same traits as the high functioning end, in addition the individual may be nonverbal (usually, but not always) and they may suffer from intellectual delays   (thx again google  )"